To all Members/Associates of the Club House
With heavy heart on behalf of Members of the Managing Committee, I would like to inform you that as per the Order dated 4th April 2021 issued by the Government of Maharashtra, all the activities of the Club House will remain closed till further notice.
We regret the inconvenience caused to all Members of the Club House due to for closure of Club House activities, in view of increase in cases of Covid-19 Pandemic, there being no other alternative, Club House has to close all its activities.
However, the Cub House will continue the following facilities, keeping in view the interest of the Members due to Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Help Desk for registration of Covid-19 Vaccination will be available at the Reception of the Club from 10,00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
- Food Parcel will be available through Home Delivery by M/s. Udhan Hospitality Pvt. Ltd.
Members desirous to place order are requested to call on Mobile No + 91 85913 84793 and +91 88504 59306 and please do not forget to mention your Membership Number at the time of placing order.
We assure that once the situation becomes normal in the City of Mumbai and Government allows opening of the Club House, the Club will resume Club activities keeping in mind with all protocols & norms relating to Covid-19 Pandemic.
Once again on behalf of the Members of the Managing Committee, I request all the members to take care and also abide by the Covid-19 Guidelines issued by the Government from time to time.
We hope that all the members of the Club House will support and Co-operate in the matter.
Thanking you, Vice President – Raj K. Purohit